well said, In an idealistic world whatever said above enables you to learn, gives you a sense of accomplishment, and gives you job satisfaction but on the contrary, we are in a culture driven and measured by impact, peer-to-peer comparison, promo-driven goals, etc.. People chase promos(Target) and forget the learnings the journey will give you
We should build an environment where everyone feels empowered to share ideas, try and succeed or fail fast, and not be measured purely in terms of impact..we should rethink how we measure and reward success. Note, that many ideas fail in the middle before success touches, it is the effort that needs to be measured,
well said, In an idealistic world whatever said above enables you to learn, gives you a sense of accomplishment, and gives you job satisfaction but on the contrary, we are in a culture driven and measured by impact, peer-to-peer comparison, promo-driven goals, etc.. People chase promos(Target) and forget the learnings the journey will give you
We should build an environment where everyone feels empowered to share ideas, try and succeed or fail fast, and not be measured purely in terms of impact..we should rethink how we measure and reward success. Note, that many ideas fail in the middle before success touches, it is the effort that needs to be measured,
a lot to talk but well said @bhavesh
Love your thoughtful and experience based insightful posts.
Keep them coming 👏.